Weblog of MapleSEA Cass Guild - Oracle


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Guild Member Page Ver 0.46 Amended

You'd have notice that the last Guild Member Page Ver 0.46 update had a few "mistakes".

Those weren't mistakes! I was just errr... testing to see if you guys were errr... observant! Of course! And you guys were rather observant! Anyway, I've made the changes, and also changed some other stuff as some of you as requested:

1. Changed Thief's face to the correct picture (So sorry I have no idea whose wizard picture was that)
2. Changed xiaoknightsx's face to the correct picture (I put Thief's face at xiaoknightsx's name)
3. Updated Maru's description
4. Added shade0301 into the profile
5. Added TrueSphere, AgamiLight, cathlynchee, taoraenn's face inside
6. Changed Charleshii's pic to the one with blue dress
7. Changed KaR3nHoN3Y's picture to bathrobe and frying pan pic
8. Newly recruited JonJohn as one of the guild slaves

Okie! Updating guild member page is hard work. Lots of effort. Shortens my lifespan by a bit everytime I do one of these updates. I won't make any more changes till the next update!


Yvonne Lam said...

er thanks 4 all d efford, if need help can tel me also... I'm quite free... hehe...

agrinomy said...

Maybe 1st or 2nd quarter of 2008 I'll update again. Now must recover. Each time update guild member page HP/MP minus 90%... Heehee. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Agrin, thanks so much for doing this. Really makes our Mapling experience a lot more fun! Maybe you can share the maintenance task with a few other guild members? Any pro-web admins?


agrinomy said...

Hi hi mog. Thanks. Actually I don't need pro-web admins. I just need people to help me with the writeups for the members cos' sometimes I (& Veira) got no idea what to write.

No worries... The next update will be a long time later. Recover first.. Haha.

Reanne said...

btw~ just to tell you that TrueSphere is my sis.. the one that made me die in HHG..
