Weblog of MapleSEA Cass Guild - Oracle


Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Oracle has spoken...

It has been more than a year since Oracle was formed. But I'm sure a lot of guild members do not know what "Oracle" means. Apparently our dear guild master got this name by flipping open his dictionary and felt that this word was quite cool. The meaning is quite cool actually...

or·a·cle noun
1. an authoritative person who divines the future

2. a prophecy (usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; believed to be infallible

3. a shrine where an oracular god is consulted

Chim right? There was an oracle featured in all three instalments of The Matrix. We even have a big software company named after our guild. Oh boy are we famous. So all Oracle members, go forth and give weird prophecies to your fellow Maplers. Predict their imminent sudden journeys to the nearest town, prophesize about their booming of equips and foresee all their lags and disconnections...


simon said...

O.., i never know whister flip english dictionary before., wat a history did by him, i mean flipping dictionary, haha


Whiwhi said...

hahaha...it is the destiny of son-of-god will do, i mean... me...muahahahaha..
uhh...veira...last time u said the nam was ugly huh? i still rmb i invite u at henesys...muahahaha

kaioucat said...

Luckily he didn't choose Orange or Orang-utan.


agrinomy said...

Why would he want to choose a name like that? Does Whister identify with the name "Orang-utan"? Hmmmm... *rubs chin thoughtfully*

kaioucat said...

LOL. Didn't mean it that way, but now that you've mentioned...*rubs chin thoughtfully with agrin*

Maru Sze Ying said...

the name so powerful?
so chim for me lol T.T
at 1st i feel the name quite nice de.. veira say ugly??? where got ooh.. it is nice la hahahhaa

Anonymous said...

Yea.. whister's fav pastime is reading dictionary...

but now veira always say "Oracle Rox"

agrinomy said...

I think Whister is son-of-orang-utan rather than son-of-god.

Reanne said...
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Reanne said...

Wahsey.. i always thought the meaning of oracle is the priest that give someone power or advise.. bla bla bla..
But this name reali meant so much.. "chim" 0.0