Weblog of MapleSEA Cass Guild - Oracle


Friday, October 26, 2007

Consumer Advisory - Fake Zakum Helms



- - Melody L's Productions - - said...

Okay... thks agrimomy... Good effort! I will note nextime when I get my Zakum Helmet.


Yvonne Lam said...

LOL veira wanted dat helmet long time ago... He can't get d real 1 go get d fake 1. LOL. Pity Pity... Wonder how much he pay 4 d fake 1. Kakaka

Anonymous said...

Haha omg this is funny, i like it very much Agrin, im going to get the fake one soon hehe and bring with me extra AA batteries

- - Melody L's Productions - - said...
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- - Melody L's Productions - - said...
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JohnJon82 said...

Veira hehe... Buy from Petaling Street...

agrinomy said...

Oooooh dang remember to only wear it for special ocassions & photo-taking only. Prolonged wearing may lead to toxic lead poisoning ya... Hahahaha

Whiwhi said...

Nice job Agrin!!!
My helm was sooooo SHINY until i cant open my eyes easily when i mapling, i tio die many time ady...sob sob...